1. Purpose
1.1. These contract of General Conditions establishes the terms and conditions that manage the provision of travel services organized by RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA, the company’s headquartered in Campus de Santa Apolónia – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança – Incubadora de Empresas do IPB, in Bragança – Portugal, registered in Conservatória do Registo Predial, Comercial e Automóvel de Bragança, with the Registration No. 510 126 405 , with the Tour Operator Registration No. 3236, (hereafter called Agency), in addition to any Special Conditions agreed between the Client and the Agency.
1.2. In case of Special Conditions agreed between the Client and the Agency, those conditions shall overcome over the provisions of the present Terms and Conditions.
1.3. The products and services are offered to the Customer under the terms and conditions set forth herein.
1.4. When contracting with the Agency the Customer recognize and accept all terms and conditions.
1.5. The conditions below are applicable to trip packages and any service provided by the agency.
2. Registration
2.1. Payment terms vary depending on the type of product and provider, and the Client should ask the agency about the payment terms.
2.2. If the registration or reservation for the trip takes place under twenty-one days to the date scheduled for the beginning, the Client agree that the validity of this agreement is subject to express notice that the Agency has obtained all suppliers to confirm the requirements for services to be provided on travel booked, and the cost of travel has to be full paid when the Customer makes registration.
2.3. For any change to the registration on the trip at Costumer request, the Agency reserves the right to charge a change fee of 10 euros plus all costs associated with that change.
2.4. The Customer is still required to pay all cancellation charges according to the point 7, if the Costumer decides give up the trip.
2.5. The Agency reserves the right to cancel any reservation for which payment has not been made under the above conditions.
3. Changes in travel prices
3.1. The Agency reserves the right, within twenty days before the travel date, change the price of the trip if this increase is due to variations in the cost of transport or fuel, taxes or fees and currency fluctuations, shall report such fact to the Client.
3.2. The change will be calculated proportionally to changes in prices of the same factors that influence change.
3.3. The rejection of the increase in the price of the trip, under the law, gives to the Client the right to unsubscribe from the trip.
4. Refunds
4.1. After the beginning of the trip, will not be due any refund for services not used by the Customer. Failure to provide services under the travel programme for reasons not attributable to the Agency, if the Client cannot be replaced by other equivalent services, gives to the Client the right to be refunded by the difference between the price of services provided and executed, saving the provisions of paragraph 11.4 of these General Conditions.
5. Assignment of Registration
5.1. The Client could transfer the own registration, making himself substitute by another person who satisfies all the conditions required for the trip, provided it notifies the Agency in writing at least 7 days in advance and that the different service providers included in the trip accept the replacement.
5.2. In the case of cruises and air travel for long distances, the above time limit will be 15 days.
5.3. The transfer of registration severally liable for the transferor and the transferee to pay the price and additional charges arising from the transfer.
6. Airport taxes and VAT Tax
6.1. The payment of airport charges must be done by the Customer on a purchase of travel or, locally, at airports where it is required, which may vary by destination. In any case, the Agency shall inform the Client, upon registration on the trip, the payment of these fees.
6.2. The Value Added Tax, applicable to the travel date, is included in the price of the service.
7. Expenses of Management and Cancellation
7.1. If the Client or any of his companions gives up the trip previously confirmed, the Customer must pay all expenses which the agency had with reservation and, in legal terms, a minimum of fifteen percent of the price of the service concerned.
7.2. Penalty of 15% of the trip if the withdrawal happens with more than 15 days prior to the beginning of the trip; 20% between 15 to 10 days; 30% between 10 to 3 days; 60% within the previous 48 hours before the service stars. If not present at the expected departure time is not entitled to refund of any amount unless the parties agreed otherwise.
7.3. When applicable, the Customer will be refunded the difference between the amount already paid and the amounts referred to in 7.1. and 7.2.
8. Modifications
8.1. If the suppliers of travel permit, whenever a Customer subscribed to a particular trip, want to change the registration done to another trip or for the same trip but departing on a different date, or any other change, the Client should pay the fee, as costs of change. However, when the change takes place 21 days or less prior to the departure date of travel, for which the customer is registered, or if service providers do not accept the change, shall be subject to fees and charges provided under the point 7.
8.2. For each change (names, dates, room type or room) will be charged a service fee of 10 €.
8.3. After the trip started, if requested to change the services contracted for reasons not attributable to the agency (ex. expansion of nights of stay, change of flight) the prices of tourist services may not match to those contracted.
9. Complaints
9.1. Can only be considered if they are submitted in writing within a period not exceeding 20 days after the end of service delivery.
9.2. The fact can only be accepted if provided and it has been communicated to the respective suppliers (hotels, guides, local, etc.) during the course of a journey or stay, requiring the same proof of their occurrence.
9.3. The non-participation and timely delivery of the documents referred cause liberation of responsibility of the Agency.
9.4. In case of complaint for breach of contract services the customer may also activate the security provided under the legislation, for it must submit their complaint to the Turismo de Portugal within 20 working days after the end of the service.
10. Changes
10.1. Whenever there are justified reasons, the Agency may change the conditions mentioned in the program, including the order of the routes, times of departure or replace any of the accommodations provided by others of similar category and location.
10.2. If unexpected circumstances force us to suspend the service, the customer will always be entitled to refund of amounts paid.
11. Impossibility of Compliance
11.1. If for acts not attributable to the Agency and if the Agency be unable to make any essential service in the program of travel, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from your holiday, immediately refunded of all amounts paid, or, alternatively, to accept an amendment services and possible price changes.
11.2. If such facts are not attributable to the Agency and it causes the cancellation of the trip, the customer can choose to take a substitute package accepting an amendment to the contract and any change in price.
11.3. If the trip is proposed to replace the lower price, the Customer will be refunded by the difference.
11.4. It is not due any refund for services, although available to the Client, if the Client chose not to use.
12. Cancellations of the Agency Programme (Minimum Participants)
12.1. The Travel Programme has, in each case, a minimum number of participants required. If the number is not reached, the Agency has the right to cancel the trip. In that case the Agency is discharged of any liability for the cancellation. In this case all amount paid is full refunded to the Client.
13. Special Conditions for Children
13.1 The customer should always ask for information relating to conditions for children.
14. Documentation
14.1 The customer must have in good order all personal or family documents (identity card, authorization for minors, passports, visas, vaccination certificate and other requirements. The Agency don’t take responsibility for the refusal to allowance of visas or not permission to enter the customer in a foreign country apply in these cases the conditions for cancellation of the trip, being a customer’s responsible for all costs that such a situation causes.
14.2. Customers who are foreign citizens must have the necessary documentation (passport, visa, residence permission, etc.). To travel or move within the European Union on the basis of their nationality. For travel wholly or partially outside the European Union may be necessary visas or other special documentation. Always consult the embassy or consulate of the countries of destination of your trip.
14.3. Under no circumstances will the Agency be liable, directly or indirectly, for the refusal to grant visas or the refusal to allow the client to enter to any country.
15. Times of Arrival and Departure
15.1. The arrivals and departures in each city is in local time and in accordance with the schedules of the carriers, they are subject to changes.
15.2. On trips that include bus transportation the hours listed are approximate, being the representative of the Agency or the person hired by the department that define and specify the hours to the customers.
15.3. Exceptions for the delays are included technical or other reasons related to the means of transportation, with Transport Company or from natural causes.
15.4. In tours the group leader / trip companion or guide provides to the Customers times and places where customers should be in the sequence of the program with a tolerance of 5 minutes.
15.5. In case of breach of times by the customer the trip cannot be stopped and the Customer is responsible for moving on their own until the next/s meeting points.
16. Accommodation
16.1. The classification and denomination of accommodation is determined by the host State.
16.2. Apartments: The Client is responsible to provide the correct information about number of persons (adults and children) who will occupy the apartment. In case the number is higher than reserved, the entry might be refused.
16.3. Hotels: The prices shown are per person and are based on an occupancy capacity of the room. When the room occupancy is more than two may be placed in a room one or more extra beds, which may / not be those of a similar quality and comfort.
16.4. Hostels and similar: In this type of accommodation, the number of gests per room is variable, and the room may be shared with other guests if the booking does not fill in the total number of beds in the room.
16.5. In some accommodations, a deposit is required per person, bed, room, apartment or any other type. This deposit is responsibility of the Customer. The Agency has the duty to notify the client before the trip. The value is variable and according to the terms and conditions of whoever manages the accommodation. To facilitate many tasks, the Agency might collect the deposit and deliver it to the accommodation. The Agency is not responsible if the client does not want to pay the deposit. It is also the customer’s responsibility to check the accommodation and report any pre-existing damage. All damages and non-compliance with rules are responsibility of the Customer.
17. Board basis
RO – only room
BB – bed and breakfast
HB – half board
FB – full board
AI – all included
Prices do not include drinks at meals, unless otherwise indicated. Most hotels Half Board considers as breakfast and dinner, not accepting the change dinner for lunch.
18. Luggage
18.1. The Agency is not responsible for losses that Customers may suffer as a result of any offense that happen during the trip and stay at their destination. Therefore, we inform that you should inform the administrative or police authorities of the place where such events happened.
18.2. The Agency is not responsible in any circumstances, for baggage and other properties that Customers can carry, whatever the mean of transport in which they placed. Customers are advised to contract luggage insurance, and the costumer must be present in loading and unloading the luggage.
18.3. In case of theft, damage or destruction of baggage, customers should immediately complain in writing to the entity providing the services and / or entity to whom has the custody of they were deposited, saving a copy of the complaint.
18.4. The presentation of proof of claim, provided in the preceding paragraph, will be essential to input the responsibility on the service provider.
19. Liability Guarantee
19.1. The liability of the Agency is guaranteed by the insurance company Allianz Portugal, insurance no. 206037322, with coverage of 75000 Euros.
19.2. Justification to be regarded as causes of exclusion of liability of the Agency, among others, any speculative, false or fraudulent travel by Customer, the cancellation of the trip by the Customer, the faults found in the implementation of the agreement attributable to the Customer, the faults attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of services provided and which are of unforeseeable and unavoidable situations and due to majeure force.
20. Limitation of Liability
20.1. The responsibility of the Agency will limit the maximum payable amount to providers of transportation services as provided by law, including limitations on non body injury in the amount equal to five times the price of the service sold.
21. Methods of Payment
21.1. You can pay for our services in cash (in our office) or through bank transfer, bank deposit and debit or credit card (since accepted by our Online Payment Terminal) or other since agreed or requested by the Agency.
21.2. For payments by bank transfer / bank deposit the same shall include a description that identifies the client and service to pay and payment is validated from the time that the money becomes available in the account of the Agency.
21.3. In case of refund it should be raised in our agency, if the return is requested by bank transfer the cost of the transfer is supported by the customer (in case it has cost to the Agency).
22. Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy
22.1. When the client access to the web pages of Student Travellers, the Client agree to the terms set out in these conditions of use.
22.2. All copyright, trademark and other applicable or used in this website are owned by RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA, and are protected by copyright. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved content.
22.3. This website is for your personal, non-commercial use. It is forbidden any copying, modification, distribution, transmission, display, reproduce, publish, transfer or sell any information, products or services obtained through this website.
22.4. At any circumstances RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA could be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage resulting from or in any way related to the use of this website.
22.5. The RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA does not warrant that its Web pages will be uninterrupted or content any error.
22.6. The RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA reserves the right to modify and remove, without notice, and whatever the cause, any information presents in the website. The user is responsible for reviewing the content whenever query or booking travel through it.
22.7. To make easy the accessibility, the RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA. may include links to sites on the Internet that are owned or operated by third parties. By linking to such third party websites should review and accept the rules of this site before using it. You also agree that RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA does not control the content of this site and cannot assume any responsibility for material created or published by such third party sites.
22.8. The collection of data identifying the user can be made via the Internet (on-site) phone or through printed and will be processed automatically, as approved by the National Commission for Data Protection. All data collection will operate according to the strictest safety rules.
22.9. Any external entity has access to the RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA or may refer to those dates.
22.10. All entities responsible for the processing of personal data are covered by a duty of secrecy and confidentiality of the data they have access as part of the introduction of data to the computer database, being duly informed of the importance of this duty statutory confidentiality is required to provide the corresponding responsibility.
22.11. All data collected through registration on the website is entirely confidential and is intended for management and customer services RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA actions as well as marketing the same company. Thus, all data from your registration is entirely confidential and used solely to make you get our news.
22.12. Customer Reviews and Rating
22.12.1. Reviews and customer ratings can be published on our website in order to inform potential customers about the quality of our services. We reserve the right to adjust, refuse or remove reviews at our discretion.
23. Changes to the General Conditions
23.1. The Agency reserves the right to change these Terms at any time and as often as necessary.
24. Provisions Unattached
24.1. If any part or provision of these Terms comes to be invalid, shall remain in force the remaining provisions not affected its overall validity unless it is possible to conclude that the parties would have agreed to provide the service or supply product if they had foreseen the invalidity or unenforceability of the provision.
25. Compensation
25.1. The Customer is obliged to compensate the Agency or its suppliers for all damages resulting from the breach of the duties provided in these general conditions, including attorneys’ fees and court costs.
26. Law and Jurisdiction
26.1. In all disputes get up from the interpretation or implementation of these Terms of Use will apply to Portuguese law.
26.2. All disputes arising from the interpretation or execution of these Terms of Use shall be resolved in the District Court of Bragança, with express renunciation of any other.
27. Optional Programs
27.1. All the optional programs that RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA applies during their trips must have a minimum number of participants in order to be able to perform them.
28. Departure points
28.1. The change of the departure point chosen by the customer in the reservation form for a given trip must be requested in writing and is always subject to acceptance by RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA.
28.2. In a bus trip where a departure point has less than 16 participants, the Agency reserves the right to make the transfer of the clients in alternative transportation to a point that meets the bus route chartered by the Company. Whenever this situation occurs RISINGSPACE UNIPESSOAL LDA will have to organize the transport and instruct the customers about it, and costs will always be supported by the Agency.
WhatsApp: +351 935 379 333
FaceTime: +351 935 379 333
Phone: +351 935 379 333 (call to national mobile network)
Mon - Fri (10.00 - 18.00)
Campus de Santa Apolónia IPB (ESTIG)
5301-854 Bragança - Portugal